Unlocked Seasons: Knowing who you are in this season
I once heard a man of GOD say in the seasons of our lives to find someone in the Word of GOD who went through our situation in order to build strategy to navigate out of the current situation. I have taken this to heart in my life. I now realize that because I am too lax on myself I use the wrong examples at the wrong times. I have learned that lack of self discipline counteracts the application of these great lesson legacies. Meaning the times in my life when I should have been anticipating my walk to Golgotha in consecration I was hanging with the children of Israel laughing at the golden calf. See, because I was not building the calf I thought I was safe. No one wants to be Joseph sleep in the side of the mountain waiting. Everyone can not bear the mantle of being Moses face to face with GOD. This brings us to our current stage. How do we determine the season we are currently in? I have learned in my own life I am all th...