Slinging by Faith and, Not Sight
I've made you Saul placing your armor on me because I've seen fruit in your life and, in order to see those trees in my garden; I had to garden the way you garden. I've made you my brothers in the battle giving a list of opinions and, insights interpreted as suggestions or directives. For years when I wanted Godly relationships more than I wanted GOD, these templates were sufficient. Molds laid out for me to choose and, apply as needed. But, I was created to be creative. There is now fruit on my tree. I have a hybrid crop of vegetation sprouting. You never called yourself Saul. You never saw yourself as the brothers who questioned David's validity. Yet, the approval rate of my previous proposals all the met the predetermined templates. The only complaints, concerns, and red flags fell on the potential harvests I planted. Now, here I stand in front of goliath with a slingshot and, a rock. This isn't the wisest choice when you have the history of the a...