
Showing posts from 2018

August Blog 2018

     These days in education as teachers are hurrying about bustling from meeting to meeting and training to training; I am reminded of my new eyes as a first year teacher. The phrase “you don’t know what you don’t know,” was thrown around a lot. Meaning that even though one has the humility to ask for more guidance, clarity, or assistance there isn’t enough knowledge about the culture, process, or institution to know how to frame the question. When this comes to mind it is best to listen and learn through the process.        This new professional must give themselves some grace. I urge all those viewing these words to embrace the “you don’t know what you don’t know,” in their lives. I also applaud you for stepping into your new journey. I celebrate you for making it on to the other side of your struggle. Since I first started this entry I have transitioned from meeting with adults to classrooms full of students. The irony is they know ev...

Treading New Feet

     New beginnings are funny because they really help bring perspective. In my journey the concept of new beginning has taken on so many different forms. It has manifested in a new job, a new location, a new relationship, a new challenge, coming out of a storm; going in to the storms. Perhaps not going into storms of life? If yours are anything like mine. I’m usually moseying along in life, when like driving in to the rain progressively the storm unveils itself. However, if we are being objective storms are a new beginning. Torrential winds and all.        I have come to realize I clip my own wings when I align with fear, doubt, are the belief that because no one in my view has accomplished the dreams I see in my heart. It would not be so bad if it did not seem like circumstance did not amen those treacherous voices. For me that is when faith activates. Yes, I should thrive in this space. We all should dwell in the realm of knowing ....

Seasons Greetings

    I once heard it explained that in order to understand the metaphors in the Word of God; we had to understand the examples that make up the metaphor itself. The metaphor that has been highlighted for me is season . The season that first comes to mind has to do with the passing of time. The manner by which we measure the slices of life we mold, our moments as they manifest. The promotions, the advancements, the new relationships, and triumphs. Accompanied by the losses, failures, pitstops, breaks ups, and mishaps that forge us like foliage outside of our windows. I think that we sometimes forget that seasons in nature are measured by a series of months.      This being the case, why do we panic when the months fly by in our painful seasons? The times when it seems like the season will never end. I have learned that the pleasant seasons are difficult to gauge because they are so satiable. Suddenly, the air becomes more aggressive. The tria...

Fear Not!

     Change will not come if we wait for some other person or, if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. This need not to be misconstrued with the solution. We in and of ourselves are not the solutions because if we were? We would have different fruit around us. Better outcomes with spoils of the better choices we've made. Choices, that is what we have control over. We can choose to seek out healthy solutions. We can choose to cease nurturing unhealthy relationships. We can choose to believe the love of CHRIST is real.        We can choose to love ourselves in action and, in deed. I oftentimes stop in mid moment and ask myself, "Why am I doing this? Why did I do that? Where did the unction come from?" Like Paul I use my free will to do what I hate to do. Today, as I chose to not agree with fear I realized that I had to make a choice. In the midst of me calling in th...

Fighting Fear

     It seems over coming fear is an on going process. The point of graduation is when one decides to begin. Fear was not a part of our divine design but, it has been introduced through failure, disappointment, neglect, and deception. The sum total of these experiences throughout our lives have taught us that fear exists. There comes a point in our lives when we answer fears knock with a command to leave the safety of our threshold. For me this took place as an adult. Once I was big enough to take care of myself . Being able to protect myself from anything and anyone who could hurt me. Soon, I came to realize that even if I were a big girl now; somethings still intimidated me.        I had to rely on someone outside of myself. I had to have someone to appeal to about the things bigger than me. The older I got the bullies stop being human. The pressure of work, relationships, the impression of power people believe they weld. The...

Life's Master Class

     Life lessons are like high school. We have multiple professors and multiple exams. Two months of 2018 and two classes passed. (Not mastered 🙃). One has been repeated for years. There is not a doubt in my mind that as the year unfolds more lessons will continue to present themselves. The older I get; the more I realize my real eyes are just now being formed. I can use phrases like, "Keep on living" and "I ain't never" in the same exchange. Some lessons we learn to teach. Some lessons we learn from others. Some lessons we learn through experience; and some lessons are visual aids. Three dimensional caricatured parables acted out by surrendered servants for divine tutelage. We being human tend to be midway through our lessons before we decide to categorize it.        Perhaps in the cloak of darkness because our natural eyes see no sun, we assume the Son is also hidden? So, here I am in a moment of reflection breaking down these pa...

Navigating the Sea of Me

     Failures in life and relationships will take place but, I can always pick myself up again. I have noticed that my most drastic changes and advancements took place when I was angry about the situation I am in. The problem with this is that I usually needed to move forward prior to the catalyst kicked in. However, I wallowed in misery because I was comfortable. Not that the misery was pleasurable but, I had a strong tie to dysfunction. In this season of my life I am intentionally taking time to evaluate why I stay in situations long after I should have departed and, why I do not love myself enough to shift because it needs be done but, rather allow myself to be pushed out.         And one day she.... This time introspection has been rewarding and painful at the same time. Feeling the shift in to better while being unsettled. Like regaining my footing as the glacier beneath me moves. Yet, like that slab of ice the lies passed down lik...