Fighting Fear
It seems over coming fear is an on going process. The point of graduation is when one decides to begin. Fear was not a part of our divine design but, it has been introduced through failure, disappointment, neglect, and deception. The sum total of these experiences throughout our lives have taught us that fear exists. There comes a point in our lives when we answer fears knock with a command to leave the safety of our threshold. For me this took place as an adult. Once I was big enough to take care of myself . Being able to protect myself from anything and anyone who could hurt me. Soon, I came to realize that even if I were a big girl now; somethings still intimidated me. I had to rely on someone outside of myself. I had to have someone to appeal to about the things bigger than me. The older I got the bullies stop being human. The pressure of work, relationships, the impression of power people believe they weld. The...