Seasons Greetings
I once heard it explained that in order to understand the metaphors in the Word of God; we had to understand the examples that make up the metaphor itself. The metaphor that has been highlighted for me is season . The season that first comes to mind has to do with the passing of time. The manner by which we measure the slices of life we mold, our moments as they manifest. The promotions, the advancements, the new relationships, and triumphs. Accompanied by the losses, failures, pitstops, breaks ups, and mishaps that forge us like foliage outside of our windows. I think that we sometimes forget that seasons in nature are measured by a series of months. This being the case, why do we panic when the months fly by in our painful seasons? The times when it seems like the season will never end. I have learned that the pleasant seasons are difficult to gauge because they are so satiable. Suddenly, the air becomes more aggressive. The tria...