Self Mutilation for Sacrifice
What if Issac would have refused to lay down? The rope was in tote. The wood had been cut. The spot on the mountain had been chosen. One may have the obedience of Abraham but, what happens when the sacrifice does not want to comply? Is one penalized for disobedience if their complete execution of the task is dependent upon another? If we present a living sacrifice then some struggle is to be expected. Were it an animal it is acceptable to break a limb as you tie down your offering. But this sacrifice is a human. Blood is blood but, there are so many different standards for lives. I do not set these standards but, history continues to reveal in it's wake the fruit of these standards. Kill a lion and they mourn in droves. Kill masses of humans and, does it make a sound? Like the riddle about a tree that falls; it depends on the ears that hear. The ears attached to the heart of those who listen. Had my Issac been stolen then I would not be so confused. I was victimized by a theft and, grace allows me to find another sacrifice. However, this was not the case.
Is trust a factor? Was this a game that they played often? How much, must you trust your father to lay down where you have seen other animals lay to be slaughtered? Was there still blood on the stone? Issac laid down but, my sacrifice did not. Here I sit in front of my stone. I am looking for the ram in the thicket but, I have no Issac to point it out to me. I was not trusted to draw the knife to the point the Father would decide was close enough. Now, I sit on this mountain pondering my next move. .
I will go back down the mountain. I will return to my place of proclamation. This act of betrayal may have caught me by surprise but, there are no surprises for my Father. HE has experienced that which HE omnisciently had known. My journey is yet over, and my homage is yet paid. Each step out of this position which metaphorically declares defeat. I surrender with each step realizing this is not my final destination according to the decree that came forth out of HIS mouth. A sacrifice will be made. Now, to find my true Issac. I must return to the voice within me. I must give myself over to the vision, mission, plan. Enroute to my point of origin i hear HIS voice. Prostrate I fall and, give HIM, me. I cut away my, me, myself, and I. I offer all my heart desires; trusting that HE will do exceedingly, abundantly above. Now, heartless I kneel for the heartfelt sacrifice given.
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