No Heart Solicitation

Above all things guard your heart, for out of it does flow all life. Now, you want me to give you my heart on a platter of promises.  Your promises have no root, no foundation. Your words have no nutrients to strengthen my confidence in your claims. Blind faith is for my Redeemer.

Even HE challenges me to prove HIS worthiness of my heart. HE urges me to taste, test, and affirm HE is a true heart Protector.

You desire to be trusted with my heart because I like a maiden; have provided a safe place for you to lay your head. Yet, the times I have attempted to rest with your words has brought anxiety, questioning, and doubt. I was as unsettled as  being comforted by Delilah. 

Wisdom has revealed that it is not my heart you long to possess but, the life that from it flows. My life is not my own.   Be it all yours the life that flows from me. CHRIST in me is the Hope of Glory. Freely available are these services to all willing to sit at the counter.

It is possible to give you life and, not give you my heart. Truth be told of things hidden. You need not know my hopes, dreams, fears, desires, lusts, regrets to drink from the well springs that flow from my belly.  Truth be told my heart may cloud my capacity to truly serve you.  My heart is ever elvolving under the healing massage of my Redeemer. Naked vulnerability may reveal a spot not yet cleansed. Your false cushion won't support the grace needed to filter through my human condition that requires on going  growth.

Alas sweet suitor, thank you for the sentiment. But my heart couldn't be trusted with me. There was a time I might have given to you. In wisdom I gave it to my Redeemer and when i asked Him...   HE did not deem  you worthy.


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