Reasons We Need to Love
You may have heard the saying, "people are in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime." I am intentional about showing great appreciation to my lifetime people. No, season person can say that I did not pay them due homage. Yet, it the reason person who i owe the most debt for my growth. It has been the reason people who taught me who I was not. It was the reason people who lighted the dark spots of my judgment, pride, and lack of love. I had to learn to be a better person. I was not challenged as long as I had to love those who loved me. Thank you, for hurting me. Thank you for betraying me. Thank you for teaching me the size, shape, and texture of the red flags. These banners are dawned by those who build the foundation for toxic relationships. This division of heartache is comprised of people who enter our lives for reasons . We always invite them in and allow them to take refuge turned siege. It is only at the point we discern their placement in the ...