Reasons We Need to Love

You may have heard the saying, "people are in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime." I am intentional about showing great appreciation to my lifetime people. No, season person can say that I did not pay them due homage. Yet, it the reason person who i owe the most debt for my growth. It has been the reason people who taught me who I was not. It was the reason people who lighted the dark spots of my judgment, pride, and lack of love. I had to learn to be a better person. I was not challenged as long as I had to love those who loved me. Thank you, for hurting me. Thank you for betraying me. Thank you for teaching me the size, shape, and texture of the red flags. These banners are dawned by those who build the foundation for toxic relationships. This division of heartache is comprised of people who enter our lives for reasons. We always invite them in and allow them to take refuge turned siege. It is only at the point we discern their placement in the trifold of allotments that we bask in the newness of the selection. I grieved for some. I shed deep tears that poured from my heart while I longed for others. I did not want to release them from my chosen category. Alas, I had to realize they were in my life for, a reason. It is nice that I have a handful of people providing a lifetime of new life changing moments. My Father has told me that HE has selected a man for me spend my lifetime respecting and loving. I patiently wait his arrival. I lived a thousand lives of seasons that turn from bitter cold, sweltering hot, and darkly cool as the leaves fall off. I spend days with hearts so precious you could monopolize on the commercialism that takes place each Month of Love. These doted companions consistently bring such jovial passings; I lose sight of their missteps. The love we share hides all faults. Grace is sufficient for every unmincedword, turned attitude, mistaken statement, short patience enclosed action. I am only able to recognize the grace as a result of the fruit bore through the tireless, intentional, well played, actions of those who once caused me to cower. Taught me how to hide, defend, and prepare to be damaged. Then, I was held and assured. Trouble don't last always. This too shall pass. This circumstance, this individual or group is only to be seen during this season; because they are in your space for a specific reason. Don't let a short term person make a longterm withdrawal from your garden of love, peace, joy, kindness, faithfulness, self-control. Today, we celebrate those who did not stay long. Those who make great strides. Those who paved the way. We give a great round of applause those who came, moved, destroyed, severed, for a reason.


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