Hid in Her Heart

    The major events that Mary saw her SON do in the Bible were hid in her heart. I believe it is because she didn’t have a space or, a person with capacity to hold them. Perhaps there was someone to listen but, not truly appreciate them. Possibly there was someone to hear but, not leave without a nagging desire for the same experience. No person selfless enough to not compare notes as she spoke. It takes a specific intention of availability to provide space for someone to share the hidden experiences of their heart. A great vulnerability we are warned to guard well because of the life that pours from it. It is what comes out of a person’s mouth not, what is put in. 

    In such a selfish world very few people have an objective sounding board in the form of a person to share their passions, fears, hopes, and joys. In the event you have one. Don’t take them for granted but, most importantly don’t in trust their treasure chest of space more than the celestial ocean of safety found in Holy Spirit. We once spoke about carrying promises on the strength of something. Our challenge here is to carry each word shared on the strength of the grace given for that relationship. We are sharing our heart; as the scripture explains the well springs of life. As I take the time to reflect I realize I have been giving life to dead things at times. My heart is heavy, empty, and full all at the same time. Taking note from my mother Mary to hide things in my heart because my soul is anchored in the ocean of the LORD.


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