Mirror, Mirror

I looked in the mirror today. The mirror of the eyes that were once and will be me. I was appaulled by what was seen. I saw myself retreat. I found myself in the midst of great opportunty. The right place at the right time and, my greatest opposition all this time has been me. I have taken a step back when I should have leapt forward. I need to dive in head first, resting on the promise. This is not a new expereince. Like commercials at Christmas; HE has been preparing me for years. Flashing before me the promises like neon signs as HE held my hand. Was it disbelief? Was it doubt? No, worse! It was fear. I have absolute belief in the Risen Savior. I unequivocally trust that GOD is able. The deafening questions have been, “Will I fail? Can I be used? Am I truly worth?” Glass shattering before me I turn away from the past. I am a new creature in CHRIST. I do not have the spirit of fear but, of peace, power, love, and a sound mind. I now speak to the various shards on the floor all reflecting me. You look like me but, your shape has changed. We are all now pieces of a whole and we reflect HIM. ©InmypromiseWhite


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