Who Prays for the Prayer Warrior?

Shout out to my Sheroes. Those who tore through hell brick by brick for myself and so many other women. Those pillars who send shock waves through demons and minions. As I rest on my pillow of joy and peace I have to ask a question. Who prays for the prayer warriors? Who intercedes for those continually prostrate for others? Who knocks on heaven to push past the throne room and get the LORD'S attention on behalf of them? Fresh eyes allow me to witness a deeper vulnerability. Empathy reveals that she may be tired, she may be disappointed, she may be broken, she may be warring in the house and out. Could she talk to you about it? Could you provide the same type of encouragement and reminder of GOD's promises that she dispenses so selflessly? Who prays for the prayer warriors? Who is righteous enough, fervent enough, desperate enough to turn and face the wall with no intentions of taking "No" for an answer. I believe these women like Jacob grew tired of who they used to be and decided to hold on and wrestle all night long regardless of the cost. They limp away at day break with their legacies and generations in tack and stronger than ever before. Please do not misconstrue; in my observations this break of day does not fall on our twenty four hour measuring scale. These women play the breaking of their alabaster box moment on repeat; less they forget. This memory drives them, this memory encourages them, this memory reminds them, that we serve a Risen Savior. What fuels the prayer warrior? She sees that alabaster box moment like a reflection in the pupils of each life she touches. She declares over you in the midst of your brokenness. I know HE will for you because HE did for me..... I can motivate you because HE motivates me......I can speak life into you because HE speaks life into me. He is my life source, my umbilical cord, my very reason for living. Yet on those days when she can not hear, feel, sense, those never ceasing prayers of our Christ and HOLY Spirit, will you be a vessel? Will you like a donkey rub against her and send an “on time” Word? Will you begin praying for the prayer warrior? ©InmypromiseWhite


  1. Jeanine this is so eloquently written that touches my heart. I identify with the proposal to pray even more for the prayer warriors who surely have a burdened heart for others. I know God rewards, as you stated, with Himself

  2. It is with gracious humility I say thank you. Writing is a labor of love. Being a vessel is only available because of those prayer warriors who interceded for me. I am ever reminded of the testimony.


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