
Showing posts from 2016

GOD Does not have grandchildren

     In the womb a mother has to believe unseen. In the womb a father relies on touches and impressions. Both parents are trusting GOD to be with the one whom they cannot see. Yes, there is growth, yes, there are pictures captured of this new life forming. However, the life itself is not viewed. Parents believe by faith their little one is brewing correctly. So, why lose hope in that same GOD for the life of your child when they are outside of the womb? The next phase of the journey; your child is out of the womb, personally trained, and equipped with a little life experience. You have given them GOD, given them to GOD, now you have to believe in the unseen, again. The cold air that shifts with the wind is the cold air that falls on two sides of town. The cold air that envelops a mother as the seasons change is the same cold breeze that reminds her child of that once warm bosom.        The same song in the air that ushers in sleigh bells echoe...

Work Day Blues

     Day to day. We all go through the day to day. We all have our daily ups and downs. Who makes the rules? Who decides if you have a good day or not? Smile by faith. I have had days that I could not hold my head up. I have seen and felt pain that did not so much leave but, slept only to wake the next morning before me. What changed? What happened to me? I was loved. Not the I met someone, now I have a soul mate kind of love. Not the rush from a new job after months of being unemployed. I found hope. We talk about, read about, see it in glimpses but, I have learned that though it be transferable it does not stay. I had to not only find hope but, plug in directly for myself. I specifically plugged into Christ. HE teaches us that HE is a vine. Christ in me in is the hope of glory. Now, day to day. I have hope. Day to day, I have promises for each hurt, difficulty, and challenge. Day to day I might have to be reminded that hope is in me. See, tha...

The Salving Sap of Purposed Pain

     Be encouraged! Sometimes we have just no words. Smile!!! Sometimes your smile is the only faith you can display. We smile past our feelings because we know that GOD has us in the palm of HIS hands. HE promised never to leave nor forsake. We hold this to be truth we can identify with, on experiencing it for ourselves. The ongoing to solution to "I heard HE is a burden barrier versus "I know HE is heavy load sharer." Push through; because after this moment is our break through. Please do not walk away because your "moment" exceeds the previously expected time frame. The strategy is to have expectation with out an expiration date. Have a vision with the patience for the manifestation of that vision. Begin to prepare for the outcome, byproduct, and caring of that vision in your season of growth. You are not abandoned. Quite contrary; you are so loved you are being groomed with personal care.

Sessions coming soon. Let's unlock greatness together. ;)

Greatness Unlocked

Value of Identity

With words like “value, worth, and actions” being thrown around I had time to remember when and, how I found my identity. Years of my life were spent wading through finding myself based on the actions of those who were supposed to build, mold, shape, nurture, and protect my value. This is significant because your identity helps you determine and, display your value. I have seen the crumpled dollar demonstration multiple times but, what is not transferred in that lesson is value we as people obtain is based on our foundation as children. The intrinsic wealth gain through the incubation of love from our caregivers. Currency is made to be spent with no regard for the hands handling or the machine knocking it around.   Yes, we are born with value but, who helps us learn to read the denomination on the paper? How does one know if they are a hundred or a fifty dollar bill? What happens when the process of growth is marred by attempts of destruction.  My influencers, support systems who re...

Happy Father's Day, Mommy!!

Tupac and Boyz II Men have given us great examples of why mothers are held to be so sacred. I agree with their loyalty and reverence, however, my single mother was not my surrogate father. Being raised by a single mother meant that I learned how to be resourceful. Having the privilege of being reared in a house without a man in leadership also taught me how to dismiss the male perspective. I would be an adult before learning the emasculating tone and actions that were my childhood norm like Warner Brothers’ cartoons. These behaviors were masked with domestication to give an appearance of submission. My Mother was the cater to you, cook your meals, rub your back kind of woman. In the very next breath tell you how trifling your last attempt at make decision in her house was because you were not capable of making decisions for her family. I recall giving my mother a card of appreciation for several years in June. Extending the proof this is a systemically societal issue there was a...

Lady Liquor

She is beautiful. She is almost angelic. She is the right proportion of smooth and rough. She embodies the essence of nurturing. She is inviting and warm. She adorns in regal bouquets of browns and silvers. These long autumn gowns cause salvation in all humans male and female alike. She is in my life but, not a part of my me. She arrived at the ball dawned in her cinderella's best and waltzed her way into the lap of madear. After taking madear to be her conquest she was not satisfied. She desired to create a family harem. Given like a birthright to my father a cursed blessing to love. My father wooed as she poured. They danced together in the liters of fermentation. This concubine turned wife. He made a wife of her but, she made a mess of him. For a brief period he sought in the bosom of my mother. She could only have half of him but, that was enough. Like any mistress she tolerated his wife's perfume on his lips. She accepted her lingering intoxicated dire...

Reasons We Need to Love

You may have heard the saying, "people are in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime." I am intentional about showing great appreciation to my lifetime people. No, season person can say that I did not pay them due homage. Yet, it the reason person who i owe the most debt for my growth. It has been the reason people who taught me who I was not. It was the reason people who lighted the dark spots of my judgment, pride, and lack of love. I had to learn to be a better person. I was not challenged as long as I had to love those who loved me. Thank you, for hurting me. Thank you for betraying me. Thank you for teaching me the size, shape, and texture of the red flags. These banners are dawned by those who build the foundation for toxic relationships. This division of heartache is comprised of people who enter our lives for reasons . We always invite them in and allow them to take refuge turned siege. It is only at the point we discern their placement in the ...

You See My Glory... I Know Your Story

But GOD.... they keep asking me how? Why? What helped me? The words to the gratituitous heart yield very little to the pallet of expression. Perhaps if I wept knelt down amidst the essence of feet and oil spilled from an alabaster box? My groanings could effectively communicate. How does one turn off the thrust of the drum that is in motion? The wind of the arm that falls on the skinned percussion encasing the heart. Like sausage my heart is being processed.  My heart breaks at each reflection. Simultaneously my heart flutters at the renewed mind in vitro. Why not embrace the tug on my newly transformed heart for women who look like me when..  talk like me when.... act like me when... Why bother making a video for my youngerself when my palm is her fingertips. My eyes are her eyes. My pain are her present.  Now, to provide her with my provisions.  What provisions she sees will help her push past her cons she is envisioning during her present. I see the lens past...

Breathe Again

When your desperation becomes your faith fuel because you hunger for more. When you are at the point of death in pretense.  No longer caring what is said and who says it because you need a cure for your terminally ill situation. Everyone identifies with the breaking point. Only certain individuals will Identify with the turning point. The point where you got back up. The point where you stop making excuses. The point where you selfishly started fighting for yourself. Be you at the point of dried bones, new life is available. Under water, under sand, drowning in drama, sinking in circumstances. Your lungs are made full.  You have a portion of hope that reaches out. The reach of your grasp has brushed past several potential solutions. You have clutched many a tank for air. Only to be left breathless.  Now, reaching for living water, that rests with the cool breeze of the breath of life.  Enhale deeply because your metamorphosis turns you into a vessel for the sub...

No Heart Solicitation

Above all things guard your heart, for out of it does flow all life. Now, you want me to give you my heart on a platter of promises.  Your promises have no root, no foundation. Your words have no nutrients to strengthen my confidence in your claims. Blind faith is for my Redeemer. Even HE challenges me to prove HIS worthiness of my heart. HE urges me to taste, test, and affirm HE is a true heart Protector. You desire to be trusted with my heart because I like a maiden; have provided a safe place for you to lay your head. Yet, the times I have attempted to rest with your words has brought anxiety, questioning, and doubt. I was as unsettled as  being comforted by Delilah.  Wisdom has revealed that it is not my heart you long to possess but, the life that from it flows. My life is not my own.   Be it all yours the life that flows from me. CHRIST in me is the Hope of Glory. Freely available are these services to all willing to sit at the counter. It is possible ...

Mind Wide Open: Embracing the Renewal Process

Christ in me is the hope of glory. HE deemed me a worthy vessel. HE chose me to in dwell. i allow HIM to shine through me. No longer do I cower at the voices but, i take authority in the Spirit. i activate my transferred power through my transformed mind. Today, I walk out my immediate deliverance. My ear gate has been circumcised. I refuse to align my thinking with voices of defeat and failure any longer. they have to shut up. In JESUS Name, amen.

Blueprint for Success

I go back to the old neighborhood from time to time because the lessons are endless. This time the ground spoke in volumes. The ghettos of the world are the breading ground for the leaders of the world. Nothing stirs hunger more than starvation. Nothing pulls out innovation to the degree of lack. No other form of education can compare to the wisdom of a mother. I used to complain for not having a blueprint. I now understand that I had to better learn to articulate how I read the one provided. I like several of my peers escaping the clutches of government assistance, pipe dreams, and poor managed public education learned from the lives of those around us. You learn from the drunk on the corner. In my case, you learn from the Vato covered in tattoos telling you to stay in school. You immediately start your checklist of what not to do in order to not turn out like that woman with the skirt too short on telephone road. You are trying to read the lines and decipher where yo...

Almost Lost My Life

I do not believe we can enjoy new beginnings without understanding what is truly beginning again. Nor do I believe the magnitude of a new beginning can be shared corporately. Each moment of turn by turn choices an individual makes paves a destiny that is shifted when those steps collide with Truth. Today, I celebrate a new beginning. Life is a very precious thing. However, when hope is loss, all is gray, it seems no one hears it is logical that if my life stopped the pain would also. I celebrate my new beginning that started the day the LORD saved my life. I do not mean in a symbolic sense in that He washed my sins away, redeemed me from my past hurts, and poor choices. He has and continues to give me new mercies everyday. Additionally, literally, on more than one occasion I have been on the brink, in the grasp, at the edge of life loss but, my GOD. Today, I celebrate my new beginnings because it is not the eighth day following these events but, in some cases years. Lo...