Birthing Greatness

The phases of the moon reflect how I once saw it as a parasite. The aching call that I was not ready to respond to or acknowledge. A massive undertaking, a daunting task I was too unworthy to carry out. I held my blanket of fear so close it became my comfort. This idolatrous lifestyle consumed me. I was at the beck and call of fear. I began to show; not intentionally. That which was in, would some how seep. A statement here, an observation there. Over time my blanket became worn. Two forces at once. My greatness was starting to develop, while my fear started to recede. New identity was given and, I became free. . Now, after long pang staking nights of rubbing my well blossomed womb is time. After years of denial, betrayal, disbelief, acceptance, appreciation, and effort. My baby is crowning. I have carried this in my womb for so long. This has been a trying labor. I am not without the assistance of tremendous midwives who stroked my back, scratched my pain, forced me to push. Push past my yesterday, push through my shortcomings, push through my doubts. I quiver with each contraction. I cry for the pain to stop. I dare not give up because I might miscarry but, I am not sure if I can endure. Now, I see the eye brows and I am pushed back to relax. Funny how, while pushing I am not allowed to cast eyes on the vision I have seen for years. My ears give notice to a belted yell that cries to be heard. I am numb now, the pain has stopped, but, my baby is born. Greater is HE that is in me which permeates the greatness I embody. Now, greatness springs forth from my womb. I pray I can steward this infant with the care it deserves.


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